The Role of Different Infrared Light Wavelengths

Red Light Therapy


The 850nm wavelength is the signature near infra-red wavelength . In many cases, the 850nm amplifies the benefits provided by the 810nm and 830nm wavelengths. This wavelength has a range of therapeutic applications such as:

Anti-inflammatory benefits: 

850nm wavelengths can help to reduce joint and muscle pain and diminish general inflammation in the body.

Enhanced muscle recovery: 

A study observed the use of 850nm wavelengths on athletes, and found that usage of the near-infrared light increased muscle mass after training, and decreased inflammation and oxidative stress in muscle biopsies.

Healing of wounds in the skin: 

Lesions in the skin heal faster when exposed to 850nm wavelength light therapy.

Reduction of lines, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation: 

850nm can support the production of collagen, assisting with plumper, more radiant-looking skin, and a more uniform texture.

Orthodontics and tooth alignment: 

The use of the 850nm wavelength can foster the speedy realignment of teeth for patients undergoing orthodontics.



The 830nm wavelength is not as readily absorbed by the body, therefore it is able to penetrate deeper through skin and tissue and into the bone. A greater quantity of photons are delivered into the tissue with the 830nm wavelength. The incorporation of the 830nm wavelength delivers the following advantages:

Accelerated healing and reduced infection: 

Like the 810nm wavelength, 830nm accelerates healing in wounds of different severity and helps to ward off infection.

Improved aesthetic outcomes following plastic surgery: 

Swift exposure to 830nm wavelengths after aesthetic surgery hastens recovery, reduces downtime and enhances the results of surgery by reducing swelling, infection, bruising and pain, therefore leading to greater patient satisfaction.

Increased “feel-good” endorphins: 

830nm wavelengths increases the release of endorphins. Endorphins are peptides which promote feelings of wellness and provide a natural analgesic, triggering a sensation similar to morphine.

Improved bone repair and growth: 

An animal study demonstrated that 830nm light therapy improved bone repair by stimulating new bone growth.

Faster return-to-play after injury: 

The ability to return-to-play as swiftly as possible after injury or trauma is a key concern for any amateur or professional athlete. 830nm LED light therapy has been proven to significantly and safely reduce the wait time before injured athletes can return to play.



With an ability to extend through the skull into the brain, the 810nm wavelength offers a unique array of neurological benefits. Many forward-thinking scientists are of the belief that light therapy for brain disorders will become a prominent medical treatment in the near future. Expect to reap the following benefits from the 810nm wavelength:

Improved healing and recovery: 

A study of soccer players showed that the 810nm wavelength applied before activity enhanced muscular performance and post-exercise recovery.

Accelerated wound healing: 

810nm wavelengths have been shown to help expedite wound healing, helping the tissue to granulate more rapidly.

Improved recovery from stroke in certain patients: 

One study conducted among stroke patients showed that wavelengths of 810nm provided neuroprotective benefits and improved recovery among sufferers of moderate to severe strokes. Five days after the stroke, there was significant improvement among those who had been treated with the 810nm light therapy, compared to those who hadn’t. Ninety days post-stroke, 70% of the treated patients had a successful outcome, compared with only 51% of the control group.

Improved recovery from traumatic brain injury: 

810nm has been proven in animal models to be particularly effective in fostering recovery from traumatic brain injuries, and reducing long-term neurological damage.

Improvement in psychiatric disorders: 

Prescription drugs for psychiatric conditions have long been recognized as having a limited ability to assist individuals suffering from psychiatric conditions. What’s more, pharmacotherapeutic medication often carries a host of unwanted side effects, while near-infrared light therapy doesn’t. 810nm wavelengths applied to the forehead have been shown to assist patients suffering from major depression and anxiety.

Hair growth: 

Studies have shown the 810nm wavelength can encourage significant hair growth in patients with androgenetic alopecia.



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